We’ve teamed up with 5 women who defy clichés, create legacies and are completely unafraid to start a revolution. These Alba Botanica® brand users represent everything we stand for and absolutely believe in doing beautiful in the world.
We asked animal rescue advocate Hilarey Benda a few questions about her life and work. Read on to learn more about this incredible woman!
Q: Three words to describe yourself. Go!
A: Compassionate. Determined. Grateful.
Q: Tell us about the work you do. What’s your favorite part?
A: I rescue abandoned animals from the shelter and begin the rehabilitation process in foster homes, providing them with the medical care, training, socialization and TLC needed to help transition our buddies into forever homes. Beople’s Buddies’ vision is to enhance the interconnectivity of animals, humans, and the environment.
My favorite part is leaving the shelter with an animal! It fills my heart with so much joy to show them the compassion and respect they have always deserved. To see them learn to trust again is the best feeling in the world.
Q: What’s the one thing that has surprised you in your path up until now?
A: That some people don’t love animals as much as I do. Animals are so magical and loving. It’s difficult for me to understand why someone wouldn’t want a best buddy who loves them unconditionally.
Q: What has been your biggest challenge?
A: Finding good, reliable foster homes can definitely be challenging. It’s not always easy to find a foster home that can offer the boundaries, consistency, patience and training needed to help a buddy develop confidence and truly blossom. Foster families are so crucial to the rescue work I do, as I can only save an animal if I have a foster home available.
Q: To you, what does it mean to #DoGoodDoBeautiful?
A: For me, it’s all about listening to your heart – that inner voice with all the knowingness. By nurturing yourself, you will shine on the outside and reflect all that goodness into the universe.
Q: What advice would you give to young women aspiring to pursue or get involved in activist work?
A: I believe when you live your truth, you will never fail. Let go of any fears about asking for help because the worst you will hear is “no,” but you might get a “yes” – you never know until you ask! I remind myself that encountering roadblocks is part of the journey and a learning opportunity. With each hurdle, I have been able to make better choices for the future. When I can approach an obstacle with grace, I feel capable of tackling anything that comes my way! Stay true to who you are, and never give up.
Q: Favorite way to unwind after a long day. Go!
A: That’s easy! There’s nothing better than spending time with my doggies.
Q: What’s most important to you with the skincare or beauty products you use?
A: I use products and brands that don’t test on animals and are completely vegan. Additionally, I make sure products don’t have any fillers, parabens, or other toxic ingredients. I choose to support companies that align with my values and hopefully by doing so, I am helping to impact positive change on a broad scale.
Q: What did you dream of being when you were little?
A: I have always been a helper – it’s always been my calling. It’s the core of who I am and how I eventually found my way to the field of social work.
Q: Tell us something unexpected about yourself. Hidden talents, favorite dance moves, etc?
A: Something you would never guess is that when I was a young girl living in Minnesota, I used to BMX bike race. I often was the only girl racing, and I still have the trophies. Many of them are first and second place!
Shop some of Hilarey’s Alba Botanica® favorites: Hawaiian Detox Facial Care

These partnerships were proudly sponsored by Alba Botanica®